Invocations To Little Rose
(For private use only)
Dear Little Rose, fill our lives with the fragrance of holiness. Dear little Rose, cheer our hearts with the fragrance of holiness Dear Little Rose, make us truly happy With the fragrance of holiness. Dear Little Rose, enkindle our love With the fragrance of holiness. Dear Little Rose, make us humble. With the fragrance of holiness. Dear Little Rose, make our thoughts divine. With the fragrance of holiness. Dear Little Rose, make our souls sweet and pure. With the fragrance of holiness. Dear Little Rose, permeate all our actions With the fragrance of holiness. Dear Little Rose, surround us on every side With the fragrance of holiness. Dear Little Rose, from thy home in heaven Grant us the favor of thy heavenly fragrance Dear Little Rose, for our strength and consolation Grant us the favor of thy heavenly fragrance Dear Little Rose, for the good of our souls Grant us the favor of thy heavenly fragrance Dear Little Rose, for God’s own glory Grant us the favor of thy heavenly fragrance Dear Little Rose, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary Grant us the favor of thy heavenly fragrance